Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Still Internet Thuggin'

WTF This Little Bitch Is Still Fuckin With My Little Sister! Ok Last Time I Crushed Lee'z Dreamz. Now Jessica, Little Girl Your Fuckin With Tha Wrong Man. I Have A Life That'z Why I Gave You Children My Address. I Also Know Lee Knowz Where Byrom Street Is. His Faggot Ass Went To Milton High School! Oh What You Dont Think I Do My Resurch Rather Than Makin Shit Up About People. Jessica If You'd Go Take Care Of Your Child's Eczema Your Babies Rash Would Heal! Oh & Tha 50lbs. Of Make Up Itz Takez For You To Think Your Cute DONT WORK BITCH! All That Cover Girl & Your Acne Scarz Are Still Visable. Oh & My Birthmark Seriously, Do You Need Me To Explan What A Birthmark Is? I Mean So Far You Ignorance Knowz No Boundz. By Tha Way If You Spent More Time With Your Kid. You Wouldnt Have Tha Time To Be Playin Around On Myspace & Callin Otheir People Trailer Trash. (PSSSSTTTT HEY JESSICA HERE'Z SOME INFO YOU STUPID BITCH NONE OF US LIVE IN A TRAILER)
Seriously Are You Jus Makin Shit Up As You Go? Whatever You Amuse Me So Dance Puppetz Keep Sayin My Name!


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