Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Still Internet Thuggin'

WTF This Little Bitch Is Still Fuckin With My Little Sister! Ok Last Time I Crushed Lee'z Dreamz. Now Jessica, Little Girl Your Fuckin With Tha Wrong Man. I Have A Life That'z Why I Gave You Children My Address. I Also Know Lee Knowz Where Byrom Street Is. His Faggot Ass Went To Milton High School! Oh What You Dont Think I Do My Resurch Rather Than Makin Shit Up About People. Jessica If You'd Go Take Care Of Your Child's Eczema Your Babies Rash Would Heal! Oh & Tha 50lbs. Of Make Up Itz Takez For You To Think Your Cute DONT WORK BITCH! All That Cover Girl & Your Acne Scarz Are Still Visable. Oh & My Birthmark Seriously, Do You Need Me To Explan What A Birthmark Is? I Mean So Far You Ignorance Knowz No Boundz. By Tha Way If You Spent More Time With Your Kid. You Wouldnt Have Tha Time To Be Playin Around On Myspace & Callin Otheir People Trailer Trash. (PSSSSTTTT HEY JESSICA HERE'Z SOME INFO YOU STUPID BITCH NONE OF US LIVE IN A TRAILER)
Seriously Are You Jus Makin Shit Up As You Go? Whatever You Amuse Me So Dance Puppetz Keep Sayin My Name!


Thursday, March 18, 2010


This Is A Look At Little Ms. Acne Scar's & Fat Boy Internet Thug OG Himself!

Welcome To The Birth, These Are The Two Idiot'z I Wrote Internet Thuggin' For!
This Is The Conversation Lee (Tha Original Internet Thug) Smith & I Had.
Obivisoly Ms. Jessica (Acne Scar's) Leigh Was Mad As Hell Cus Their Are A Couple Messages Missing From What She Posted On Her Blogger Page (Beautiful Bae)But This Is Tha Entire Conversation. Lmao Look At These Ugly Ass Fuckerz Talkin Bout I'm Trailer Trash. Fuckin Get Your Shit Right Before You Talk Shit To Me! Anyway Read This Funny Ass Shit! Read From The Bottem Up To Get The Order Of The Conversation! I Actually Feel Bad For Mentioning Tony He Was Tha Only Real Mother Fucker Outta All Of Them He Never Once Had Anything To Say! WTF Does That Say About Jessica When Her Own Boyfriend Wouldnt Stand Up For Her!



Lee Smith
2/28/2010 6:35 PM

To: Malakhi Lycypha

Look seriously. Internet Thug doesn't even make sense dude. You gave me an Address. You're a fucking idiot if you think I
haven't already done something dumb ass. You started your shit talking. I offered you money to come get your ass whooped. Bet
$50. And you ain't about shit! I'm finishing it for you. Don't start shit with Jessica. Stay out of what you don't know and you'll
make it far. Your sister is a cunt. So know that number 1. And I heard I've inspired you to write a song about me? lmao You
think I have all the time in the world to just come there whoop your ass over some dumb shit and waste the time? I work for a living.
I do things in life. Your a sorry excuse for a human being and I'd be scared to catch a disease just by making contact. You must
be one of those types of people that get off on getting their ass whooped. I'm wasting time even now dude. Fuck off. With a Smile =D

malakhi lycypha
2/27/2010 10:58 PM

To: Lee (leontrice@myspace.com)

thats What I Fuckin Thought Your A Internet Thug!!! Your Board Huh?? Thats Cus You Aint Bout Shit But Shit But
Talkin!!! When Your Ready To Man Up!!! Ill Be At The Address I Gave Your Bitch Ass Before!!! Untill Than You
Aint Shit But A Puppy On Mommys Pourch Barkin At The Big Dogs In The Street... Oh ANd By The By Im Now
Done Talkin... So If Your Fat Ass Ever Gets Off The Computer ill be Waiting... FUCK YOU AND THAT
WIth COmputers...

Lee Smith
2/27/2010 1:49 PM

To: Malakhi Lycypha

same thing? but on crack. come oooonnnn. get original. that was just lame maggot scum. stop crying. you're boring.------------
Original Message ------------
fuck off you fat bastered. you look like jaba the hut on crack

Lee Smith
2/27/2010 9:29 AM

To: Malakhi Lycypha

OOOOUUUUUU You did it. You said Queer. Good for you. That's a step in the right direction. NOT, I'm more than
you'll ever be. Lmao ( Laughing in YOUR face) Punk Bitch? Stop describing yourself. I guess that comes with a shallow
gene pool like yours eh? Internet thug? This coming from an idiot who likes to threaten girls. I got your punk bitch for that ass.
Suck a dick cunt clown.

malakhi lycypha
2/26/2010 9:55 PM

To: Lee (leontrice@myspace.com)

Here You Go You Punk Ass Queer!!! Ill Be At 5431 Byrom Street Everyday When Your Bitch Ass Is Ready To Dance!!!
Untill Than Fuck You!!! Youll Never Be Shit But A Fuckin Internet Thug (A Punk Bitch If You Must)!!!

Lee Smith
2/26/2010 5:27 PM

To: Malakhi Lycypha

How about you tell her yourself trailer trash. I wouldn't want to get my clothes dirty fucking with a Neanderthal like you,
bitchin' up like I thought you would. You're no longer amusing at all. Why would she send an army you fucking idiot.
Tell that Cunt of a sister of yours to leave Jessica alone and all this wouldn't even have happend. You should really try for
a better vocabulary when insulting. You must get that stupid bitch syndrome from her too. And incase you forgot what lmao
means. (It means I'm laughing in your stupid face.)
~.o You're infested with a virus called Stupidity. Maybe you should check on that. ~.^

malakhi lycypha
2/26/2010 4:40 PM

To: Lee (leontrice@myspace.com)

weeeeeeee you got it bring it! im done talkin to your fuck boy ass! Oh and tell that bitch
she could send a mother fuckin army and imma be alright i promise! So fuck you all and have a nice day...
Malakhi lycypha

Lee Smith
2/25/2010 5:56 PM

To: Malakhi Lycypha

yeah. that's the spirit. Get angry. lmao is that really how you insult people? you a punk bitch as nigga
for even trying me like that. best believe motha fucka i do what i do. you find me dumb ass. come get that
free ass whoopin you think you want. i'll pay you the gas. keep talking shit to Jessica.


malakhi lycypha
2/25/2010 7:30 PM

To: Lee (leontrice@myspace.com)

whatever fuck boy i could give two shit about you or any fuck boy like you!!!! die dead you punk fuck!!! im in milton find me bitch!!!

Lee Smith
2/25/2010 10:45 AM

To: Malakhi Lycypha

LMAO Yeah, You're dumb. This isn't tony. Obviously. And #1 Didn't you take precious time out of your morning to tell
Jessica all that bullsh!t you was talking? I'm not a kid, and obviously more grown than you'll ever be. Adults you say? Yeah
I can be adult about this. Name is Lee Incase you forgot how to look and see who you're talking to. All I'm saying is don't
threaten her again, and we can be as civilized as you want it to be. Appreciate it and have an abso-fucking-lutely positive day. ~.o

malakhi lycypha
2/25/2010 1:38 PM

To: Lee (leontrice@myspace.com)

Number 1 Fuck You, You Had A Little Girl At A Young Age And Wont Take Care Of Her. So Who Here Is The Piece Of Shit.
Number 2 That Little Girl You Had Has No Fuckin Clue Who You Are And Or You Dont Pay Childsupport So You Have No Clame To
Her. All The Contraversy You Two Are Starting Needs To Stop. Come On Yo Grow Up You Both Sound Fuckin Stupid As Hell.
Number 3 All The Time And Money You Said You Got You Could Be A Real Man And Take Care Of Your Daughter But It Sounds Like
Number 4 You'd Reather Be A Little Kid And Fight With Me.
Number 5 Last But Not Least Your Not Even On Her Birth Cirtificate. YOUR NOT HER FATHER!!!!! Untill U Get A
Blood Test.

So Whatevers Whatever If You Wanna Do This Like Adults We Can. I Just Got More Important Shit To Do With My Life
Than Worry About Two Little Kids. Later Much!
Malakhi Lycypha

Lee Smith
2/25/2010 8:12 AM

To: Malakhi Lycypha

Look, so, since she wants to send all these dudes talking shit. And you want to make promises/Threats as I see it.
I'll be that dude you can talk shit too. Fuck yo sister who keeps talking to Jessica and won't leave her alone for nothing.
I've talked to your sister who really really really needs to grow up. And who are you to be a big brother and talk some
more shit about what you know nothing about.(Rhetorical Question incase you're dumb.) I CAN talk shit and play games,
Why? ou ou ou Cuz I know more than you do fool. So let's start this off right. Because you think you're all big and bad
to say some shit to Jessica. Bring your ass out and play if you wanna play some big and bad games. I got the time and
the money to waste. NAH! Let's see what kind of name calling, put down, bull shit you can come up with. Really it don't
make a damn what you say. It's all in what you do. Make another threat to Jessica and back yo shit up. I PROMISE
You can't do a damn thing.

malakhi lycypha
2/24/2010 11:22 PM

To: ☆ ∂ɜɩɩɑ∂ɑɜ ☆ (beautifulbae@myspace.com)

Check It!!! You Know My Little Sister Mary And Im Sure Ud Reather Be A Grown Up Then
Keep On With This Childish Shit! So Lets Find A Way Too Keep Each Otheir's Names Out
Of Mouth's. These Games Are Pretty Fuckin Stupid! So If U'd Rather Be A Little Kid About
This Whole Thing By All Means Keep On But I Promise The Games I Play Will Get Alot
Worse Than Any Mother Fuckin Thing U Could Do And If Ur Ol Dude Wants To Talk We Can
Do That. Just Know 1 Way or Another This Shit Will Stop.
Thank You And Have A Nice Day, Malakhi Lycypha


These Two Little Kidz Didnt Realize Thay Were Fuckin With The Devil !

Tha Ep. With Bonus Demo Tracks


Copy This Code Put It In Your Search Engine And It Will Give You The Down Load For The Whole Ep Plus (Exclusive Preview Trackz For Tha Upcomming Monstah Massiah Lp.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I Will Have This Ep. Posted For Download Soon !

Jokerz Laughter Mixtape Ep. Front Cover!

Jokerz Laughter Mixtape Ep. Back Cover !